Water treatment
Water treatment using UV technology is on the rise all over the world. On the basis of this purely physical process, the use of chemical substances is completely eliminated or reduced to a minimum. Depending on the application, UVC low-pressure lamps or UV medium-pressure lamps are used for water treatment. Together with our customers, we develop application-oriented system solutions and individual products.

The IMO (International Maritime Organization) ratification places the highest demands on ballast water management systems. The systems are compulsory worldwide on both existing and newly built ships. One possible treatment method is an extremely environmental-friendly UV system in which UVC low-pressure lamps or UV medium-pressure lamps disinfect the ballast water. For smooth and reliable plant operation, high-quality products and many years of experience in this field are indispensable.

PWT Wasser- und Abwassertechnik GmbH
From a global perspective, access to clean drinking water is not a matter of course. In Central Europe drinking water treatment using UVC low-pressure lamps has already proven itself for years. In this type of water treatment, 99.99% of harmful microorganisms are inactivated and prevented from spreading. The approval of these drinking water plants is carried out in Europe according to DIN19294 standards. The use of approved products is the basis for reliable drinking water treatment.

ProMinent Dosiertechnik
To protect our environment and to maintain a high groundwater quality, water treatment in sewage treatment plants or industrial plants plays a decisive role. Contaminated sewage can be treated using environmental-friendly UV Open Channel systems and freed from polluting substances. As a manufacturer of relevant key components, we contribute to environmental protection.

Fish farming systems in open waters, ponds and aquariums represent a particular challenge to water quality. To avoid an imbalance in the ecosystems and to protect the animals, the germ load must be reduced to a minimum. Both the farms on land and the fish farms in Fjords require a consistently high water quality.
Ultrapure water systems are becoming increasingly important. While they reduce the TOC content to a minimum in the semiconductor industry, they support the production of e-hydrogen (P2X for short) in PEM electrolysers.
Consistently high water quality and permanent availability are essential on the road to mass production. As part of complete water treatment plants, UV systems are used to break down undesirable water constituents - top quality at all times!
Private and public swimming pools often use chlorine for water disinfection in order to combat pathogens. However, this element and its reaction products are suspected of triggering allergies and cancer. In combination with a chemical and mechanical treatment, UV disinfection is an important section for maintaining water quality. Using a UV disinfection system, the chlorine content and thus the odor load can be reduced. At the same time, the operating costs of the plant operation are reduced.